Faso Kan’s new album Tungaladen (Adventurer) highlights elements from West African music and storytelling tradition. In griot families the wisdom of the ancestors has been passed from generation to generation during centuries in the form of stories, music and dances. Each member of the band brings their musical adventures and expertise into the mix. The shared love for music results in a musical meeting of diverse cultures, the past, and the future. The album was released in May 2023 by The Global Music Centre.
info (at) ossipercussion.com
tel. +358407438906Next shows:
7.12. Faso Kan duo, Helsinki, Pengerkatu 11
Listen to Tungaladen on Spotify.
Order the album here: https://www.globalmusic.fi/fi/shop/cdt/faso-kan-tungaladen
info (at) ossipercussion.com
tel. +358407438906